Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sign Cutting Sticker Untuk Mesjid dan Musholla

Lokasi ibadah seperti Mesjid dan Musholla juga perlu beberapa sign cutting stiker, misalnya memberi tanda batas "area suci" agar pengunjung paham dimana harus melepas sepatu atau sandalnya. Salah satu contohnya adalah ini. Sign batas suci dibuat memakai cutting stiker dan ditempelkan di "telenan" kayu lalu digantung dispot yg paling mudah terlihat mata.  ***

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Striping Pelek Motor Agar Terlihat Malam Hari

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Laminating Bodi Motor Agar Cat Tidak Baret

Ini bak "weekend homework", menyelesaikan pekerjaan yg tertunda.Setelah motor scoopy dicuci bersih, dibawalah keluar.
Akhir pekan ini targetnya mencari tukang stiker dan mengerjakan proyek kecil yaitu: laminating bodi motor. Lucu juga, sepeda motor dilaminating, jadi ternyata bukan cuma KTP doang yg dilaminating. Laminatingnya pakai stiker high quality yg tahan gores. Semua benda mati bisa di wrap up, tidak ada yg gak bisa dilapisin stiker. Sepeda motor sama sajalah, barang ini bisa dikasih lapisan stiker apapun jenisnya. Hanya mahluk bernyawa yg gak bisa ditempelin stiker :-))

Ide laminating sepeda motor adalah jamak dilakukan dimana mana jika ingin mendapatkan bodi motor yg lebih awet dan tahan lama. Laminating stiker itulah yg menahan gesekan, goresan, dan resiko baret akibat pemakaian sehari hari atau diparkir. Sudah bukan rahasia lagi, tukang parkir dimana mana biasanya kasar dengan sepeda motor, asal geser sekenanya. Jujur saja, parkir itulah yg paling banyak membuat bodi motor baret parah semua. Jadi jika berhitung matematika sederhana begini: ongkos lamintaing antara 300rb sampai 400rb, maka motor bisa tahan sampai 5-8 tahun lalu jika nanti mau dijual laminating tinggal dikeletek dan motor kembali kelihatan kinclong. Se-sederhana itu saja. Dibanding biaya repaint sepeda motor yg lebih mahal sampai 3-5jutaan, maka nempelin stiker jelas lebih murah, hemat waktu, dan fungsional banget.
Laminating stiker tersedia warna transparan netral, ada juga warna lainnya. Terserah maunya user pakai jenis warna apa. Yg jelas jika ganti warna lain maka siap siap kena polisi dijalan karena merubah cat/ warna kendaraan bermotor itu tidak sesuai BPKB dan STNK. Jadi pikirkan baik baik jika hendak me-laminating kendaraan kita. ***

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Stiker PrintCut Untuk Hobi Komunitas Sepeda

Aplikasi stiker banyak disukai oleh komunitas dan hobiis tertentu.
Baik diluar atau disini, stiker komunitas berperan penting banget, gak bisa diabaikan karena stiker seperti ini  berharga murah tapi gunanya banyak sekali ....


Stiker punya manfaat buat hobiis
* Percaya tidak, toko hobi yg royal memberikan stiker akan membuat kastemer suka banget dan akan ingat selamanya
* Dibagikan gratis kepada klub lain agar dikenal
* Eksistensi kelompok agar mencorong dikalangan hobiis yg sejenis dan dipakai membedakan antara "genk A" dan "genk B"
* Marking dimobil agar mudah dikenali ketika dijalan raya.
* Banyak komunitas numpang menempelkan stiker mereka ditoko toko hobi sejenis untuk menunjukan bahwa kelompok tsb memang ada dan eksis, ini sama dengan public relation.

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Stiker Perforated untuk Jendela Toko atau Mobil Iklan

Stiker perforated adalah stiker berlobang lobang micro. Dalam 1x1 meter lembaran stiker itu bisa ada ratusan ribu lubang kecil sehingga stiker itu tidak ngeblok tapi bisa bisa tembus pandang. Aplikasinya banyak dipakai untuk di toko atau dikantor untuk papan iklan sekaligus dekorasi interior dan eksterior. Dikaca mobil bisa pula dipakai untuk iklan berjalan.

Here some samples of perforated sticker we can see overseas

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Monday, September 3, 2012

Melapisi Kaca Jendela Dengan Cutting Sticker Dof Buram Agar Privacy Terjaga Dari Luar Ruang

Perkantoran modern dan rumah maju melapisi kaca jendela dengan kaca yg dilapisi oleh cutting sticker model " frosted" atau stikcer buram dof, ada yg menyebut dg nama "sandblast". Rumah modern juga meng aplikasikan ini, tujuannya agar manusia yg ada diluar tidak dapat melongok apa isi didalam sana, sangat menjaga privacy.

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Friday, August 31, 2012

Kios Mungil Dengan Poster Menu Makan Minum

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Cara Cepat Membuat Neon Sign Box Untuk Kios Pakai Cutting Sticker atau Decal

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Sign Light Box Untuk Nama Toko Lebih Keren

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Memasang Stiker Untuk Mobil Balap

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Sejarah Asal Muasal Signage

Signage adalah papan petunjuk berisi informasi pendek dan singkat untuk orang lain yg melihatnya, bentuknya bisa macam macam. Misal nama toko "Toko Kelontong Berkah", itu bisa juga disebut signage, demikian juga halnya rambu petunjuk arah jalan yang bisa dilihat disemua ruas jalan. Orang kita bilangnya: "Plang Papan Nama", mungkin itu penyebutan paling populer diantara kita.

Dikutip dari sini. 1  dan  2
Foto dari sini.

The French enseigne indicates its essential connection with what is known in English as a flag, and in France, banners not infrequently took the place of signs or sign boards in the Middle Ages. Signs, however, are best known in the form of painted or carved advertisements for shops, inns, etc. They are one of various emblematic methods used from time immemorial for publicly calling attention to the place to which they refer.


ROMAN TIMES: A sign is a symbol to transfer information with words or pictures to other people. The earliest signs were used for directions by the Romans who erected columns with Roman numerals along the roadways to inform travellers the distance to Rome. As cities and towns grew signs became popular at crossroads to inform travellers where they were headed.

1900: At the beginning of the 20th century with the development of automobiles it became important to inform drivers of directions. At the 1908 International Road Congress in Rome a format was laid down for basic road signs. The first signs were carved into wood or painted onto wood. Today signs are made from aluminium or metal for durability.

1970: When the South Eastern Freeway was first opened in the early 1970's the Victorian CRB (now known as Vic Roads) used a changeable message sign made from formed neon tubes. The three messages available were ...

The sign was normally blank unless one of the previous messages was required. The sign was operated at the sign or remotely from the control room.

1980: The first changeable message sign was developed in the early 1980's by a company called Wink-O-Matic in the United States. They used small 25w, 110v light globes and a large diesel engine to operate the sign. A number of US states purchased these units for freeways. These signs were expensive to run and required high maintenance. In the mid 1980's a company called Addco purchased Fultron flip dots, these were a dot with one side black and the other side florescent green.

The flip dots were activated by an electromagnetic filed to flip the dots. They were made up of eight characters and three lines, and were lit at night by ultra violet fluorescence tubes. Fultron then used the same flip dot and added 2 LED (light emitting diode) so the sign could be seen at night. These signs were so successful that other companies such as American Signal started to manufacture simular units.

1990: In the early 1990's there was a major improvement made by Precision Solar Controls who developed an all LED changeable message sign. PSC manufactured a special frensal lens that was made of a 2 inch or 50mm square block of light. PSC have been so successful in their design they are still manufactured today. No other manufacturer has come close to manufacturing a board of simular quality and reliability.

1993: Tech Road Manufacturing commenced trading in 1993 as Tech Road and became the distributor of Precision Solar boards that are recognized as the best in the world.

1996: In 1996 Tech Road developed a message board with 400mm high characters 8รข€™ or 2.4m wide for the ease of city traffic management. These signs could be positioned on nature strips and medium strips where other boards were too large. This size board which Tech Road developed has been copied by many other companies throughout the world; with the 400mm high characters have now become a world standard.

2005: In 2005 the LEDs have improved in performance and brightness by +80%, this is enabling a reduction in solar panels and batteries. The LEDs have reduced drastically in price that has made the signs 50% less than a decade earlier.

Over the past 20 years the introduction of electronic variable message signs (VMS) has increased dramatically to provide traveller information along highways at airports and for pedestrian and driver signalling. The accurate and often real-time information that these devices display to travellers in highway and transit environments has made improvements to transportation in the late 20th and early part of the 21st century.

2006: Variable Message Signs International P/L commenced in-house manufacture of all equipment, enabling us to have full control over quality and development. VMSI is constantly striving for new and innovative ways to further develop the traffic management industry offering our equipment to countries worldwide.

TODAY: Today along freeways throughout the world large permanent electronic signs automatically display information about traffic conditions, accidents or weather conditions affecting the road. There are signs with sensors that can monitor speed and traffic conditions and change messages accordingly. Portable trailer mounted signage is used to assist with temporary traffic management this may include car accidents, level crossing accidents, water over the road, oil petrol on the road, road washed away or caved in, unsafe bridges, and sporting events or community entertainment.

LED (Light Emitting Diode) VMS are constructed of a matrix of LEDs, with clusters of LEDs acting as a single element. The number of LEDs per cluster is dependent on sign size. Most transit VMS use either a single LED per element on signs with 10cm letter heights and four LEDs per element for the larger signs. The illumination of select LEDs creates the message.

Enak Dilihat Mata, Nempel di Kaos

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil

Mulai Sekarang

garment, textile_print, dtg, direct_to_garment, kartu, printer, epson, direct to garment, kaos oblong, tshirt, bikin kaos, oblong, kaos polos, hp, diy tshirt, kaos bikin dirumah, kaos cepat, oblong polos, printer kaos, kaos murah, kaos cepat, ngeprint kaos, kaos asik, kaos komunitas, kaos sma, kaos kuliah, kuliah, sablon, printing digital, digital printing, kaos instan, print instan, papan_nama_toko, sign_toko, papan_toko, signage, papan toko, nama_toko, kios, cutting_ticker, interior, eksterior, griya, rumah, cutting_vynil, decal, ornamen, mobil, motor, stikcer_motor, stiker_otomotif, stiker_motor, stiker_mobil